Blitz Spider 0.7mm light 1/8 onroad EFRA 31556
Leikkaamaton Blitz Spider 0.7mm kori 1/8 rata-autoihin. Täyttää säännöissä mainitun korien painorajan. Korissa merkinnät leikkaamista varten.Sisältää korijäykistimet ja tarra-arkin.
The Spider.
Tested and developed over several months, the Spider fits all modern 1/8th on-road racing chassis. Designed to deliver more overall downforce than ever before, the Spider features excellent stability to ensure your car is easy to drive in both low and high traction conditions.
The body comes molded with multiple alignment markings, making longitudinal body positioning a simple task to achieve with most cars on the market.
The Spider is available in both light weight 0.7mm and standard version 1.0mm polycarbonate and includes window masks and light decals. As an added bonus, the 6-piece body stiffener #60419-1 is also included.